WebPulse Site Review: Looks up the website in BlueCoat’s database; Zscaler Zulu URL Risk Analyzer: Examines the URL using real-time and historical techniques; zveloLive: Looks up the website in its database of categories; Any on-line tools that should be on this list, but are missing? However, MapInfo native datasets may use other formats to hold the raw data, including Excel spreadsheets. May have component: Optional files in a MapInfo dataset are the.map file, the.id file, and the.ind file. These files are not described separately on this website at this time. Affinity to: MapInfo MIF/MID (MapInfo Interchange.
This tool allows the user to select a location on the map and retrieve Pictometry imagery for that site. Tools for interacting with the imagery include zoom, distance, height, and elevation. See your location of interest from different viewpoints (north, south, east, west, overhead). You can work with 2G cell site data 3G and LTE together in one work space. This will help you in overall seeing for all 2G 3G and LTE cells thus it should easy to plan neighbors for IRAT of 2G 3G and LTE. While you import the KPI data, then you can thematic those KPI on map to see how your KPI was on the geographic point of view. MapInfo ProViewer provides an easy way to see, print, and share electronic desktop maps. This convenient map viewer opens tables created using Pitney Bowes Business Insight products such as MapInfo Professional or MapXtreme and displays them in Map. Category: Multimedia &.
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Free Tools for MapInfo Professional®.
Mapinfo Tools Site See In Space
Disclaimer: These programs are provided as is with no warranty or support available, unless stated otherwise during the installation. They are free for personal use. Comments may be emailed to Spatial Projects |
Mapinfo Professional Free Download
LayerOrder install package. | LayerOrder Documentation in PDF format (19 kb) |
spCarto install package. spCarto is now free use (personal and commercial). | |
MBTestBench install package. | |
MapInfo Window restore will restore your MI Pro window to the last used position and size: minimised, maximised or any specified position. Uses a small MapBasic application with an End Handler to write the last window position to a workspace. [This program could be modified to add a preferences dialogue and named restore positions. eg. 'dual screen', ...] Zip file has a .mb, .mbx. Follow the instructions in MI_Window_Restore.mb to set up. Specifically, add the lines: 'Restore previous window settings ... to the bottom of mapinfow.mnu or startup.wor and copy MI_Window_Restore.mbx to your mapinfow.exe install directory. | Download MI_Window_Restore v1.00 (0.3 mb) (Zip file) |